The Courier Boy

Author: Sham Saha Dated: October 03, 2009 Of course I have some identity, but I would like to introduce myself as an Invisible Camera, peeping in other’s life. Last year, my focus was on a young boy from a nearby slum. After few days of observations, I reached to a conclusion that the poor lad was a courier boy, running a family of 6 including his sick and handicapped father. I also did not miss to notice that the boy used to come out from slum at 8 in the morning and used to return at 8 in the evening. And on some odd days he used to stand still before the City Art School raising his head aloft. May be, he wanted to be a painter, an artist or whatever but life had left him no choice except becoming a courier boy. Anyway, everyone should have a dream, but in his case I assumed his dream was dim and literally dammed up, of course poverty was the sole reason. How could he be a painter? I heard there were lot of expenses studying in that Art School and a bright future is not alw...